Mission Statement

Provide the standards and policies for microsites, externally and internally hosted, across the bank enterprise. Ensure compliance to these policies to minimize risk to the bank. Provide release management for MCOE hosted microsites.

Vendor Application Automation

Supporting select vendor applications for automating SDLC and content workflows for seamless, secure releases using a fully Dockerized toolset for delivering applications. Giving line of business the confidence they need to know that their application is going to production with minimal risk.


We find that equipping our developers and line of business partners with real-time feedback on quality and security of their code is paramount to delivery and sustainability success. We create workflows that ensure that vendor code is to the banks standards of security fixing vulnerablites in applications.


JIRA Support

We provide active weekly support to our customers for enhancements, BAU, and troubleshootings.

MCOE JIRA Request JIRA Access

On-call Support

On-call both on and offshore support.



Automated Post Commit Builds

Developers have no need for manually triggers builds like in antiquated delivery models. Our Jenkins CI is automated to recieve changes from source control to automatically trigger build and scan pipelines to give developers active feedback on their code.

Jenkins Pipelines

Using a single standardized pipeline across all our applications we have created a streamlined workflow with full transparency with our vendors code. Our Dockerized Jenkins allows us to stand up our instances within mintues agnostic of the server so that distaster recover or no object in front of our CI services.


Content Delivery

OpenText Teamsite provides an easy-to-use web content managment (WCM) platform to create rich customer experiences leveraging EdgeCast content delivery network (CDN) capabilities.

TeamSite Request TeamSite Access

Code Quality Reporting

Providing continuous code quality reporting has allowed our developers to improve their code quality with providing feedback to unit test coverage, bugs, jacoco reports, code smells, and security.


Parallel Security Scanning

Real time scanning and continuous feedback has given our external customers the information they need to proactive build better code with less vulnerabilites using integrations such as CheckMarx, OWASP dependency Check, OAD, and RetireJS. So that you don't go to production with the confidence you need.


Active Monitoring

SiteScope enables our team to use agentless monitoring to maintain availability and performance of customer services and infrastuctures while we monitor certificate compliance with Venafi.